【For administrators】
Before setting up the group administrator, you need to set the administrator's scope of authority for management.
For more information for authority management, click here.
- Click on Groups and Managers.
- Click on the human icon of the group for which you want to set managers.
- Click on +Add In Administrator tab.
- A list of employees will be displayed. Click on the employee you want to assign as an administrator. Click Submit.
*The selected employee will be displayed on the right. You can also select multiple employees.
- On the confirmation screen, select the role and period for this administrator and then click Submit.
* As a default, the period is not limited. If you want to set a period, remove the tick mark so that the field will be editable.
* Please click here for more detail of ''Role'' setting.
- Please confirm that the employee is registered as an administrator.
Another way to set administrator.
You can also register the administrator in Administrator screen.
- Switch to Administrator menu.
- Click on + icon
- Select Employee who you want to assign as an administrator from employee link.
Next, select Role whether if it should be ''Company'' or ''Group''. When you choose ''Group'', please select a Group to be managed.
After selecting role, specify the effective period of the administrator in the ''using period'' field.
To set the expiry date, remove the tick mark, so that the field will be editable.
Finally click the Create button.
- You can see the administrator on the list.
That's it for the group administrator.