Import employee


3 years ago Updated

【For administrators】

With employee import function, you can register or modify the information of multiple employee at once.
* If you want to change the group of registered employee or retirement processing, download the data from the export, change to the necessary contents and import.
The followings are the import procedure.

  1. Click Employees

  2. Download format CSV file * 1 used for import.
    Click the ↑ icon at the top of the page, click the ↓ icon in the form to be displayed, and download the format.

    In addition to new registration, you can also make changes such as group transfer and retirement to registered employee.
    In that case, it is better to export the data and modify some of the contents as most of the information is already in the file when you export file.
  3. Select the file name, encoding * 2, and click Download.
    By default, encoding is set to UTF - 8 in cases and SJIS when the language setting is Japanese.

  4. Create data based on the downloaded format.
    The first to fourth lines of the format are as follows.
    Please enter the data to be imported from line 5.
    Save the created data in the file type (CSV comma separated).

    Line 1: Type of data.
    Line 2: the number of letters and the type of letters that are allowed to enter 
    Line 3: Sample of data.
    Line 4: Mandatory field or not

  5. Items
      Employee code (Required)
      Enter employee number
      Up to 15 half-width alphanumeric characters
      Action (Required)
      Specify the content of processing by numeric characters
      0: Hire 1: Change main group 2: Temp Retire 3: Reinstate 4: Retire 9: Change working conditions 99: Fix employee information
      Commencement date (Required)
      If you do the following processing, specify the date of issuance
      1: Main group change 2: Leave job 3: Reinstatement 4: Retirement 9: Change in working conditions
      Request change password by email
      Set the login password to the employee and enter 1 (half-width numeral) when sending email
      Employee email address must be registered.
      Group code (* 1) (Required)
      Enter group code
      Up to 20 half-width alphanumeric characters
      Working condition code (* 2) (Required)
      Working condition code
      Up to 20 half-width alphanumeric characters
      Last name (required)
      Up to 50 characters
      Name (required)
      Up to 50 characters
      Last name (kana)
      Up to 50 characters
      Name (kana)
      Up to 50 characters
      Mail address
      Enter by half-size alphanumeric characters, symbols
      Card No. (IDm)
      Up to 50 characters
      Gender (Required)
      Enter as a number
      1: Male 2: Female 3: N/A

      Hire date
      YYYY / M / D (half-width numeral)
      Example) 2017/4/1
      Paid grant criteria Hire date
      YYYY / M / D (half-width numeral)
      Example) 2017/4/1
      Birth date
      YYYY / M / D (half-width numeral) format
      Example) 1980/5/4
      Up to 50 characters
      Tel country code
      Enter with half width number
      Example) 81
      Tel No 1
      Enter by half-width number
      Example) 03-1234-5678
      Tel No 2
      Enter with half width number
      Example) 03-1234-5678
      Fax no 
      Enter by half-width number
      Example) 03-1234-5678
      Remarks Up to 50 characters
      Use this when there is something to note.

    (* 1) Enter the code of the group to which the group code the employee belongs.
    To check the group code, you can check by clicking  ''Group and Managers''.

    (* 2) Working condition code:
    Enter the code of the employee's working condition.
    To check the working condition code, you can check by clicking on ''Company working conditions''.

    【CSV data sample

  6. ↑ icon at the top of the page: Click on Import.

  7. Import the file.
    Select the file, encoding, number of lines to ignore and click Import.

    • File
      Please select the CSV file created in step 4.
    • Encoding
      Select the same format as when downloading with step 3.
      By default, it is UTF-8 (SJIS for Japanese.)
    • Neglect header
      Please select according to the data created in step 4.
      The number of lines to be ignored varies depending on from which line you want to import.
      Example) Data you want to import: From line 4 → Number of lines to ignore: 3 lines

  8. The import result is displayed.

    If it fails, follow the error message and try again.

    * 1 CSV file CSV is an abbreviation of Comma Separated Value, and is a file of Separated (delimited) Value (value) in Comma.
    It is also called a comma-separated file. To handle this file, spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Office Excel and text editor such as memo pad are necessary.

    * 2 It means converting encoding data according to certain rules.
    SJIS and UTF-8 correspond to the encoding of CSV file.
    【SJIS】 It is a character code made for Japanese. It is widely used in files on PC.
     [UTF - 8] It is a world - wide character code. You can display almost any PC environment.
    Although both are common, there is a possibility of garbled characters depending on your environment.
    If you get garbled characters, please try it with a different encoding.

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