Doreming > Set Up > Setting working conditions_in > Operation permission setting
【For administrators】
Here is the operation of how to enable restrict or permit the operation by employee and group administrator.
Employee・・・・・・・・Permission for correcting work results.
Group manager・・・・・Permission for managing employment status, such as new employee, employee taking leave or leaver.
For example, if the employee miss to clock in or out, the attendance should be manually entered. It is a lot of work burden for administrators to correct all of them in departments with large numbers of people. It is such a waste spending labor cost on the time correcting those work records. However, if you allow employee to correct those work records, then the managers of each department only need to perform approval of those work record. The work burden will be reduced.
Please perform appropriate settings according to your organization.
Settings for Employee site
Select the operation you allow at the employee site.
The initial value is "Do not approve" for all the items. Please tick the operation you want to allow.
6. Group manager site
Select the operation you want the group administrator to allow.
The initial setting is "Do not approve" for all the items by default. Please tick the box for operations you want to allow.
Change group which employee belongs to
If you tick this field, group administrator such as a store administrator will be able to change group employee belongs.
It is useful when you want managers at the workplace to manage the part-time employee.
Retire employee and give employee temporary retirement
If you tick the box for this field, group administrators will be able to change the employee's employment status, such as leavers, and for those who are taking leave.
It is useful when you want managers at the workplace to manage the part-time employee.
After making the settings, click on the update and save.
This is all for the procedure of operation permission setting.