Doreming > Set Up > Setting working conditions_in > Set transportation expenses

Set transportation expenses


3 years ago Updated

【For administrators】

Transportation fee is set by Pay / Transp of working conditions.

Please select from 4 methods of transportation expenses, which are none,  monthly,  daily and lower].

  • None
    Select this when not providing transportation expenses.

  • Monthly 
    Choose this when paying monthly fixed amount as transportation expenses such as a monthly ticket.
    You can set the maximum amount.

  • Daily
    Select this When paying transportation expenses on a daily basis.

    Please register the amount for one day (round trip).
    It will be automatically paid if the employee works as an attendance type which allows to provide transportation expenses.
    ※Setting of classification to pay transportation expenses
    Attendance type setting

    If you go to work with a different commute route, you can also edit daily transportation expenses from the timesheet screen.
    If you wish to pay at an amount different from the amount specified in the working conditions, please enter in the work record on that day.
    Also in transportation expenses total salary will be reflected in the amount of post-editing.
    * When editing travel expenses on the timesheets, please note that  total amount does not simply calculated as ''transportation expenses × number of days of work''.

    Transportation expenses of support work
    It is a choice whether to provide transportation expenses when working in another store (other group).

  • Lower
    Transportation expenses will be paid with lower amount. The amount is determined by comparing the daily amount (multiplied by working days in a pay period) and monthly amount.

Click Update

This would be all for the transportation setting.

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